Constipation over WASTE DISPOSAL
Towards Appropriate technology not NIMBY imperatives
Humans are habitual creatures. The bureaus and parliaments of this world arrive Monday morning to make more rules to try and control the people .
Its mad and it means poor people feel helpless to help themselves. The planning system only works now if you have money !
These rules caused us to send our wastes far away on ships to China. We are mad
A lot more can be done to recycle and use waste locally and BY encouraging rural people to do more
eg Temporary homes for the poor .
The Government IS ALL Talk on reducing red tape .
Feds should put pressure on states and shire and EPA to simplify HUMAN WASTE DISPOSAL - write up some general specs for both septic and sullage --and make it easier using temporary storage and cartage and other measures using local wetlands and public soil reserves.
Currently local shires can make the process very complex and costly.
These are homes and basic facilities people NEED. Clearly only big blocks would work but there are plenty of them .
The risk of onsite pollution can be dealt with over a wide area of Australia by professional soil type, annual rainfall ( low risk low rainfall), climate and design specs like area of land , proximity to water courses .
STATE s should be MADE to contribute to this instead of making the USER pay up EVERY TIME . Get the Shire to do the work they were paid to do-- not palm it off like they do now . Sound inhouse advice is VERY COST EFFECTIVE -- they just haven't got any at the moment .
And make them stick to the one month APPROVAL process time WRITTEN in their legislation.
Shire staff don't decide anything these days, even when they have got 20 reports to help them. (I am exaggerating - slightly )
Waste ( incl and esp wastewater) is the biggest bit of constipation in the planning system !! and it need not be if more thought was given to setting conditions on use and disposal on bigger blocks in drier areas especially .
Why cart everything away --to a central mound ? When with the opposition come up with measures to recycle ONSITE ? Barnaby Joyce Peter Dutton Lyle Shelton Senator Matthew Canavan
When will the FEDs CONVENE to review REDTAPE and CONSTIPATION in local government esp ? Before it becomes THEIR problem again!!!
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