Tuesday, December 28, 2021

There can be no progress while the illiterate control the language use .

This is a incomplete list of words and phrases that all political parties have allowed to completely degrade the conversation over solving complex environmental questions.
They do this in blatant denial of the complexities of cooperation risk and relational competitive in nature. Leaders are being driven  by the desire of the majority of the West to simplify and " solve ' complex problems:  We are talking about fictional technologies. 
Some of the issues talked about are genuine threats which we humans have created in reality and some of which,  in ignorant fear and guilt ,we have simply fictioned ( brilliant reason to worry eh?)   
As happens in history,  the really big worry will often be called something else; something  more controllable , smaller , narrower, incomplete and therefore measures taken to manage it will be  ineffective.
Which leads to several phenomena associated with this denial ;many prefer to be busy and blind rather than seek to resolve issues ( this fans the flames of the product purchasers in the economy)  

No attempt will be made to explain the dreamtime nonsense of this season because the romantic quick fixers are outta control at the moment ( December 2021 ) 

All the terms below are used  to simply PRESCRIBE meaningless solutions to problems that are not clearly  DESCRIBED ,   There are plenty of links in blogs linked explaining these matters in more detail. 

New ways to "solve "problems  

1. Misapplication of The precautionary principle -( Best seen in the state of Victoria ) Lets face it,  in its worst use it can mean "do nothing"  . In lots of modern uses by the powerful,  it draws high popularity from the fearful and  cynically incompetent, provide dyou keep frighetnening people with talk of death  ( large numbers seem to adopt this stance when the threat is multifaceted and so prefer not to move ) The resulting  indolence and inertia prevents anyone from taking any risks -- so most go to lockdown prison and panic ( "we don't know what is happening " ---)  
The growing unreal and unsustainable use of this principal is  being adopted,  by  default by cashed up   incompetent governments unable to make risk world  decisions; who are afraid of being accountable / sued ) and who ignore the fact  that noone can pay away risk with our  money and or lock up the people or the risk in a safe box .-----
Real life involves risk . The myth perpetuated by the clowns in charge is that they can manage it for us . Note the adverse reaction by the tyrants to Morrisons wise call for more responsible management involving all the people. 

There is no way out of this fear but to take more risks ,Much easier if leaders admit they need understanding but ha ha Ha Nah ......they won't do that .

This lack of sharing and " constant in control brief "means they don't educate the people to think for themselves ( Now called Andrews parenting paranoia  ) and so real world risk taking takes much longer than expected,  cause these twits try to take the load to themselves and don't let the people take responsibility for themselves . 
Such people may claim good intention , experimentation and etc but that's not their job or role -their job is  to filter the advice of others - including those they claim to help . 

The problem is most obvious, as in history,  when polys corrupt their own nest by creating the environment for inexperienced , compliant and incompetent yes men who have lost their integrity ( see Dostoevsky and lies) .  So you have leaders in charge who don't know what they are doing but who often vainly hope their own appointments have more integrity ( the key thing to promote the truth to surface ) and skill than they do 

2. Decarbonization  Widely used,  but if you know what it means this week tell me . I think its  being used to say "no more energy from alkanes" but the authors clearly don't know what they mean and what energy connects to watt.
I won't fly anymore cause I know how long battery power lasts in aircraft 
3. Net zero  Not  possible , not neccesary but to use it in a conversation makes you sound so righteous ---using that simple  phrase  makes people feel good . see above . 
Refurbishment ( Too many home renovation programs ?)  instead of working with nature, we claim the ability to create natural systems -
 Greg Hut celebrates beach refurbishment  Dec 21 instead of addressing real coastal process threats  
Incentivizing behavior . As Smoking and vic govt COVID show, the nonsense that only money motivates   ( stupid liberal stuff too is NOW every parties romance line )  is crass and inefficient crap . 

The former environment minister Greg Hunt should have got a proper job instead of swimming with the sharks in cutting edge care and environmental care in particular . At least a novice might have a chance of knowing what he didn't know . I say this here because we need the conservatives to know something more and of deeper lasting significance on sound environmental: To not be so shallow,  short term and sentimental . While they play progressive,  like Friedenberg and Hunt do - they will not be effective or electable. There is no excuse for their ignorance about the proper language of care. 
 Polys and the media have allowed themselves to be manipulated by the growing  numbers of chatterers and dilatants who " think they know things"    

Australian parties are completely lost on these issues ,but there are some scientists NOW asserting a level of practical reasonability .  --https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2021

While we are at lets list the trash the dilitants have introduced to the lexicon but which have poor definition  and have helped carry  the crisis on without resolve or proper definition and precision . ( should have been the aim of everyone 1)  

Tier level  risk 
Ill defined risk of transmission period 
Failure to educate the public . eg Dealing with the immunocompromised. Clearly a higher level of cooperation with the govt was possible if they would allow some decisions on risk to be made by people who are willing to take risks that would only be expected to affect them 
Responsibility - people would have rather paid to be tested than have to deal with so many rules and rule changes --- that clearly make it easy for govt but which undermine the govts credibility as true listeners long term  

Kept us in the dark and feed us bullshit which plays for more fear in some and more disgust in others . States and media have failed to have a consistent reporting framework  comorbidities , hospitalizations ,ICU   focusing on what facts they see as relevant this week 

Masks work
,  but do they ----Sutton is 2yrs too late giving advice on ventilation . 
Vaccination  --the people were led to believe it is a risk removal device nearly 2yr s)
Variants - the people were led to believe the threat is a one hit wonder which the govt knew how to control when its always been known professionally that coronaviruses change . 
Vaccination  self righteousness . Clearly many people have adopted the evil agent/ god like solution that governments have promoted ( " we will hunt it down")when all the  personal , herd , health and environment issues are much more complex in raising the risk of death  . 

Scaredy cats  no-one in CMO circles wants to do their  job properly . eg They do not correct/control the press when their manifold and careless speculation is misleading - calling variants mutants , just for one eg