Friday, June 14, 2024

Crunch time - will design with nature survive?

 Most of you know I post mainly on Government meddling in OUR environment because I want them to stop WASTING huge amounts of our taxes on it and give the job back to locals and properly trained scientists.

 The government MUST stop creating useless empires like GORCAPA and  mega monsters and give regional young people decent jobs planning to really improve this wonderful place.
 Our young people should be designing with nature, not trying to fix things that are broken; pouring concrete and rocks onto soil and water landscapes.

No one enjoys trying to fix up things after degradation has occurred, when by studying and working with soil water and plant processes, nature will do the work better.

The best way to keep Apollo Bay beaches was as always, to work with nature. Who among these highly paid screens and chair people in charge is really listening? 

A few of the 20 and more consultants and agencies realized that the sand moving sideways was an issue, but none have clearly recognized the big picture; the two processes that matter, That sand is mostly on its way downhill and only wind, waves, a beach and a dune can make it rise up ( a bit)

Finally someone  ( I asked the ABC who produced this news item today to investigate what was happening at Apollo Bay ) has read the suggestion I made that the sand that now rests comfortably under the sea after being removed by wave action in the tidal zone ( and off the rockwall  at sea ) can  be realistically loaded and placed back in the near shore zone to remake beaches WITHOUT one bucket load of government and consultancy brilliance. Huge amounts of energy not only saved ,but harnessed; a few metres of easy lifting; It's called soil and water planning; design with nature. 

The big toy trucks and diggers on the beach show how engineers and ignorance of real earth Eco processes ( the seagrass will come back if you plan for it to ) now rule in the " fix one problem create another" governance corruption that is, at the moment , our children's lot. Give one of them YOUR vote at the next election. 

Premier Hamer would turn in his grave at how little full science competence there is in agencies now taking the once good name of conservation he gave to the first Ministry for Conservation .